Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our Pledge

I just thought that I would share our pledge that we say in the morning. The reason that I wrote this is so that we can have a pledge the reflects who we are and what we believe and strive for culturally.

In reverence we dedicate our hearts, minds, and spirits humbly to the Creator. We pledge our undying love and allegiance to Mama Africa from whom all life sprang. We pay respect and acknowledge our ancestors, elders, our Babas and Mamas, our teachers, and sisters and brothers. We will always do good and help to others. We will honor our bodies as creations of the Most High, and feed them good things so we can be an asset to the rebuilding of our African community and not a liability. We will ask lots of questions and study the true history of time, both ancient and modern; to know ourselves and reawaken our minds. We are African watoto of the Diaspora and Maafa with our fists held high as a sign that we won’t stop until we reach the sky.

Baba- Father
Watoto- Children
Maafa-the African Holocaust
Holocaust- A mass slaughter of people
Mass-a large amount (in this case at least 100,000,000)
Diaspora-scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland

1 comment:

  1. Check out the film: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America and get a stunning view of how racist abortion is. Check it out here:
