Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Frog Dissection

Sunshine, Dove, Spike, and the frog.

The frog before the dissection.

Sunshine feeling the frog's "teeth".

Dove feeling the frog's "teeth".

Sunshine feeling the frog's "teeth".

Poor frog.

Spike doing the first cut.

Dove doing the second cut.

Still cuttin'.

Sunshine joining in the fun.

I had a blast doing this.

Talking about some of the organs.

Wonder Woman getting in on the fun.

Still cuttin', but now we are down to the organs.

Cutting away the muscle.

We found the liver!!!

Talking about the frogs legs, and how they are similar the the cricket that Dove and Wonder Woman brought over.

Ummmmmmm! Yummy!

She's never been a picky eater. LOL

Here's what's left.

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